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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Supplemental Reading List

Communication Studies 3320
Supplemental Reading List
Electronic Readings-
Available on blackboard
ER# 1- Fishman, D.A. (2006). Rethinking Marshall McLuhan: Reflections on a media theorist. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. 50 (3, September), 567-574.
ER #2- Stohl, C., and Stohl, M. (2007). Networks of terror: Theoretical assumptions and pragmatic consequences. Communication Theory. 17 (2, May), 93-124.
ER #3- Habermas, J.  “Public Sphere: An Encyclopedia Article.”
ER #4- Herman, E.S. (2000). The propaganda model: A retrospective. Journalism Studies. 1 (1, February), 101-112.
ER #5- Baum, M.A., and Groeling, T. (2008). New media and the polarization of American political discourse. Political Communication. 25 (4, October), 345-365.
ER #6-Foss, S.K., and Foss, K.A. (1994). The construction of feminine spectatorship in Garrison Keillor's radio monologues. Quarterly Journal of Speech. 80 (4, November), 410-426.
ER #7- Rushing, J.H., and Frentz, T.S. (1989). The Frankenstein myth in contemporary cinema. Critical Studies in Mass Communication. 6 (1, March), 61-80.
ER #8- Schiappa, E., Gregg, P.B., and Hewes, D.E. (2005). The parasocial contact hypothesis. Communication Monographs. 72 (1, March), 92-115.
Reserve readings
Available at Hamline University Bush Library
RR1- Barthes, R. (1972). Mythologies. New York: The Noonday Press. “The World of Wrestling” pp. 15-25
RR2- Burke, K. (1941). The philosophy of the literary form: Studies in symbolic action. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University, 1941. “The Rhetoric of Hitler’s ‘Battle’” pp. 191-220
RR3- Lippman, W. (1922). Public opinion. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. pp. 317-357
RR4- Dewey, J. (1927). The public and its problems. Denver: Alan Swallow. pp.110-142
RR5 and RR6- Dow, B.J. (1996). Prime time feminism: Television, media culture, and the women’s movement since 1970. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
RR5- “Introduction: The Rhetoric of Television, Criticism, and Theory” pp. 1-23
RR6- “1970s Lifestyle Feminism, the Single Woman, and The Mary Tyler Moore Show." pp. 24-58
RR7- Hammer, R. and Kellner, D. (2009). Media/cultural studies: Critical approaches. New York: Peter Lang.“How Producers “Theorize”: Shoot-outs, Bake-offs, and Speed Dating” by John T. Caldwell, pp. 68-87.
RR8-9 Hassan, R. and Thomas, J. (2006). The new media theory reader. NewYork: Open University Press.
RR8- “Policing the Thinkable” by Robert McChesney, pp. 101-105
RR9- “The myths of encroaching global media ownership” by Benjamin Compaine, pp. 106-110.

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